Agribusiness and commodity traders are thin on the ground at this
week’s FAO conference in Rome on Forests for Food Security and
Nutrition. Despite its title, this event is of little interest to Big
Food. After all, this conference is about feeding people – especially
poor people in rural communities – not about feeding global commodity
Sponsored by agriculture and development agencies, this
conference – if it was "selling" anything at all - was "selling"
biodiversity by sharing knowledge.
Agricultural biodiversity
entails growing a variety of plants on a smallholding or farm instead of
a large expanse of a single plant in monocultures of maize or soybean
or plantations of oil palms. Biodiversity can not only provide food and a
nutritious varied diet, but also fodder and ecosystem services like
pest control by encouraging beneficial predators and fertilization by
planting legumes and fertilizer trees.
Biodiversity is also the
basis and the result, of a good forest conservation policy. A common
misconception is that sound agricultural policies cannot go hand in hand
with the protection of forested areas.
A smallholder rotating
cereals and vegetables, growing coffee under a canopy of fruit or cocoa
trees or oil palms will contribute to their household’s food security
and nutrition by hedging their bets – if one crop fails, others can fill
the gap and provide the family with a varied diet. Furthermore forest
canopies continue to be protected and important corridors maintained for
Any surplus fruit or cash crops of coffee and cocoa
can supplement the family income. By relying on biodiversity to deter
pest infestations and provide fertilisation, the smallholder reduces
reliance on external inputs, like expensive chemical fertilisers and
pesticides, which in turn prevents the pollution of soil and water and
even improves the household balance sheet.

farming relies on agro-biodiversity by working with nature. In
contrast, uncontrolled industrial agriculture threatens to suppress
biodiversity by promoting an agricultural model that relies on
monocultures of plants like GE cereals or plantations of oil palm or cocoa, to the exclusion of any other plant.
lack of biodiversity increases the vulnerability of the monoculture to
pest infestations, that industrial agriculture usually "solves" by
selling toxic chemical pesticides, which often kill organisms
indiscriminately, including beneficial insects like pest predators and
pollinators such as bees.
is why you will not find many corporate interests represented at this
FAO conference. There’s no money to be made selling knowledge about
agro-biodiversity to poor smallholder farmers. Indeed, there would be
money lost for agribusiness with the wide-scale adoption of ecological
By following a strategy of "Zero deforestation"
countries that are home to large forested areas can ensure food
sovereignty for their people by making the most of their natural
resources without putting them at risk.
If smallholders are
growing a variety of plants that provide a varied diet, they won’t be
suffering from nutrient deficiency. This will sap demand for one of the
latest technology fixes being developed by Big Food to make more money
from our broken food system - biofortification.
it is Golden Rice to "solve" the vitamin A deficiency in Asia or Golden
Sorghum to "solve" the vitamin A, zinc and iron deficiencies in Africa. It
would also provide a raison d’etre for releasing GMOs into the
environment. There will be no market for these false solutions if
smallholders embrace agro-biodiversity. As one Asian blogger put it:
"the best solution to tackle Vitamin A Deficiency already exists and
it’s called vegetables."
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